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DhawathTechnologySystems, anengineering company foundedby aThai engineer, is
passionate about Thai identity and has bring together its international and domestic
experiences,amixof technologies fromadvancedcountriessuchas inEurope,America,
and Asia, to relay on its Thai engineering team. It aims to find partners and develop
together with enterprises in food, beverage, and packagingmaterial industries.
12YearsofExpertise inEngineering
ForEverySolution in4.0Era
“Food engineering is rapidly and
continuously evolving.” said Managing
Director Mr.Dhawath Chinarphanta. In the
past, ready-meal products in theThaimarket
offered few varieties and were positioned
differently from freshly-cooked meal from
householdand street food vendors. Freshly-
cookedmealwas regarded for itsmarvellous
freshness, appearance, taste and texture,
while ready-mealwas twicemoreexpensive,
“But nowadays, processed food is fresh,
safe, and consistent in terms of taste and
quality, and comes ina clean, safe, andnice
lookingpackage. Itbecomesmoreaffordable
and answers to the changing lifestyle, with
reasonable price, and easy to find in
convenient stores. The food can be heated
in themicrowavebeforeeating,andcustomers
are ensured of the food safety.” said Mr.
for Industry4.0Era
The foodproductionprocess reliesheavilyon
labour, and the important question ishowwe
are going to minimize the reliance. Mr.
Dhawathbelieves that downsizingworkforce
wouldprovide thesolution for labourshortage,
especially in the operational level.
Nonetheless, in foodmanufacturing chain, if
numbers of related persons in the food
production are replaced by automation
controlledby theautomatedsystem resulting
in quality foodproducts.
“In terms of process development, the
company collaborates with partners in
developing automation system, which work
on enhancing and adjusting machines and
equipment, e.g. robot and automatic control
system.Weworkwithvariouscompanies from
Thailand and abroad, and apply those
technologies tomatch with our machineries
and theconditionof food industry inThailand.”
Creating “Human”with
“Knowledge” and “Moral”
“It is not only about injecting money into
technologyandget itdone. It isactuallyabout
collaboration between the partners who
cooperativelydevelop the technologyand the
userswhouses technology.”
“In the Industry 4.0 era, we are trying to
change from “work more for less” to “work
less formore”.Weneed todevelopourhuman
resources to use the technology before we
canguarantee the result from themachine.”
“Buildinghuman resourcesand research
team,whileevolving together isvery important
in developing the company’s stability and
sustainability.” saidMr.Dhawath.
From thecompany’s “humanfirst” policy, the
10-Rai-2-Ngarn (16,000sq.m.) land inKhlong
9 of Lumlukka district is transformed into
factory, R&D and technical training center,
recreational zonese.g.artificial-grass football
field, fitness centre, and cozy garden, which
welcome for all employees, partners, and
locals from nearby community.
The company’s R&D and technical
training centre serveas virtual laboratory for
partners,aswell assupports thecompany’sR&D
process. This centre helpsDhawathTechnology
Systems and partners to address sophisticated
demands and understand specific needs both in
theoretical and technical terms.
Moreover, thecompany follows thePhilosophy
of Sufficient Economy by planting and selling
vegetable at affordable prices. The profit gained
from the project will be donated to children with
redundancydisabilities.This isa trueway tocreate
balance ineveryemployee’s lifeand isanexample
foremployees toadopt the teachingofHisMajesty
KingBhumibol Adulyadej.
With determination to develop everything
than 100 highly skilled employees, the company
believes that itcanprovidesolutions toevery food
enterprises, from factory layout, production line
designing, production, installation of stainless
steel tank, stainless silo, machine for powder
products, premixes, seasonings, coffee, food
supplements, as well as batching system and
withappropriation,effectiveness,and reasonable
price.Additionally, the company isalsoa leading
supplier of instant noodle processing line in
Thailand and we are ready to collaborate with
everycustomer in innovationand research inorder
for thesafe foodproduction.Thiswill, in long term,
support Thailand to become the kitchen of the
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