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Glutathione:Multi-potent Vital Substance
OriginallyGlutathionewasdiscoveredasanendogenous “anti-oxidant”.
It canprotectourcellularcomponentssuchasprotein, lipid,andnucleic
acid from theoxidativestressordamage.Second,Glutathione ishighly
concentrated in liver which is responsible for detoxification by the
conjugation with a wide variety of toxins such as aldehydes, heavy
metals, carcinogens, andmore and will be excreted into urine. There
were reported range of benefits of Glutathione, such as inhibition of
melanin formation, enhancing fat consumption, boosting immune
function, and soon.All these facts suggest how vital Glutathione is for
maintaining our life.
started theproductionofGlutathione in1968.With theenduringbreeding
workover thedecades,KOHJINestablishedasophisticated fermentation
processusing “TorulaYeast”, edibleyeast approvedbyUS-FDA,which
enables thestableproductionandconsistentqualityof theirGlutathione,
Glutathione obtainedUS-FDAnotifiedGRAS in
2009, which is the soleGlutathione accreditedwithFDAGRAS status
till now. Furthermore, OPITAC
Glutathione is certified with Kosher,
Necessityof GlutathioneSupplementation
Glutathionecanbesynthesizedand regenerated incellsenzymatically.
However endogenousGlutathione is not infinite.Aswe become aged,
intracellularGlutathionewill bedeclinedsignificantlydue to thevarious
factorswhichwecould faceeverymoment,suchasUV radiation,alcohol
intake, cigarette, oxidativestress,mental or physical stress, andmore.
And decreasedGlutathione is highly associated with various kinds of
diseases. Somenatural foodsare rich inGlutathione, suchas sprouts,
tomato, avocado, mango, and beef/chicken liver but it can be easily
degradedduring the foodprocessing.Hence it is recommended to take
Glutathione as “dietary supplements” on top of the normal diet.
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at FiAsia 2017: StandNo. K9
obesity, diabetes, whichare frequently foundworldwidedue to the changeof
the lifehabits in thepast decades. In Japan, around10%of thepopulation is
said tobeNAFL.Althoughnoestablishedstatistical surveyhasbeenavailable
inSouthEastAsia, the rapideconomy growth therewouldpotentially incur a
similar situation in future.
NAFL isabroadspectrumofdiseaseentities, ranging fromsimplesteatosis,
Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), and NASH-related cirrhosis, which
finallymaybeprogressed tohepatocellularcarcinoma.First-line treatment for
NAFL still remains to be lifestyle modification to achieve weight reduction,
particularlybycontrollingdietary foodsor byexercisewhich isverydifficult to
accomplishandmaintain.Basedon thepreviousstudieswhichsuggested the
orallyadministeredGlutathione isabsorbed into thebloodandmayaffect the
redoxstatus in thehumanbody, theefficacyoforallyadministeredGlutathione
onNAFLwasexaminedbyanopen-label, single-arm,multicenter, pilot study
(Yokohama City University, Japan). The primary outcome of this study was
an improvement inALT (AlanineTransaminase, known also asGPT; Glutamic-
PyruvicTransaminase) level,which is the indicatorof the inflammationof liver.
29out of 34patients treatedwithoral administrationof Glutathione (300mg/
day) for 4months showed reduction inALT levels. Therewerealsoobserved
the reduction in triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acid, and ferritin levels.
Although furtherstudyshouldbe required toelucidate themechanismbehind,
this study suggests that oral administration of Glutathione supports hepatic
metabolism and improvesNAFL. This is the first scientific breakthrough that
proves Glutathione supplementation may work to reduce the risk of the
progressionof fatty liverdisorder. (Hondaetal.BMCGastroenterology (2017)
Glutathione: Efficacyof Oral Intake
Therewas a long controversy on the bioavailability of Glutathione, if
orally intaken Glutathione can be absorbed to the body or not, and
scientistswere rather suspiciouson itsbioavailability.However recent
study casted a new light on this subject; in 2013 a human study
demonstrated the increase of protein-bound Glutathione in plasma
after supplementation of Glutathione (Kyoto University, Japan). This
is thefirst finding toprove theefficacyof theoral intakeofGlutathione.
(Park et al, J.Agric. FoodChem (ACS). 62, 6183-6189 (2014))
Glutathione: NewLight onFattyLiver
Non-alcoholicFattyLiver (NAFL) is themost common liver disorder in
developedcountries,and isassociatedwith themetabolicsyndromes,
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