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R & D
Typesof TherapeuticDiets
Agluten-freediet isanexampleof adietarychange that you
must maintain to remain healthy. People with a gluten
intolerance must avoid gluten-containing foods to prevent
damage to their intestines.Thediabeticdiet isaverycommon
therapeutic diet involving limiting high-sugar foods to help
control blood sugar levels. Other therapeutic diets limit
nutrientssuchassalt, tocontrol bloodpressure, or saturated
fat, tomanage cholesterol. These types of diets take some
gettingused to.Yourphysicianwillworkwithyou togradually
make the changes necessary.
10FoodsThat Lower BloodSugars In
Maintaining low blood sugar levels can be difficult
for diabeticpatients
Whilea low carbdiet appears tobeuseful on thewhole,
therearealsomany foods shown tohelp. Either by lowering
blood sugars and/or improving insulin sensitivity.
Let’s look at 10 of the best foods and supplements for
lowering blood sugars, based on current research.
Just know they should never be used in place of your
diabetesmedication, but rather alongside.
Resistant StarchLowersSugarsAfterMeals
Resistant starchcan lower sugar levels
Starchesare longchainsof glucose (sugar) found inoats, grains,
bananas, potatoes and various other foods.
Somevarietiespass throughdigestionunchangedandarenot absorbedas
sugar into theblood. These are knownas resistant starch.
Many studies show resistant starch can greatly improve insulin sensitivity.
That is, howwell the body canmove sugar out of the blood and into cells for
energy. This is why it’s so useful for lowering blood sugar levels after meals
Theeffect is sogreat that having resistant starchat lunchwill reduceblood
sugar spikes at dinner, known as the “secondmeal effect” (3).
Problem ismany foods high in resistant starch, such as potatoes, are also
high indigestiblecarbs that canspikebloodsugar.Therefore resistant starch in
supplement form–without theextra carbs – is recommended.
Supplemental resistant starch is a fantastic option for those
struggling to control sugars or have hit aplateau.
Cinnamoncan lower sugar levels indiabetics
Cinnamonhasbeenused for itsmedicinalpropertiessinceAncient
Egypt andChina.
Several cinnamon compounds appear to prevent the absorption of sugar
Diet therapy is a method of eating prescribed by a
physician to improvehealth.Anumber of conditionsare
treated inpartwith therapeuticdiets.Treatments involve
including foods that improvespecifichealthconditions,
while avoiding foods that may make the condition
worse. Some health conditions require temporary
therapeuticdiets.Other timesa therapeuticdietmay
become a permanent change necessary to keep
the person healthy. Medical doctors or dietitians
normally formulate therapeutic diets. The diet may
change over time based on the person’s response
and improvement inhealth status.
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